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  • How long is the free trial period & what can I do during this time?
    The free trial period lasts 14 days. During this time you have full access to the Digital Enterprise package. You will be able to build interactive itineraries & create both digital & paper itinerary outputs. You can also distribute these outputs to your clients, agents & friends for their feedback.
  • Can the trial period be extended?
    We don't normally extend trial periods beyond the 14 days. Everyone has different needs & if necessary, we'll consider it. In that case, please send the request to your business development manager & we'll try to accommodate you.
  • Is there a set-up fee payable?
  • How long does it take to set up?
    There is no set-up time. You can start using Wetu after you've registered for a trial & received your login details.
  • Do you offer any training?
    Once you 've signed your contract, you are assigned an onboarding manager who will be at your disposal for the first 30 days. We find this is sufficient time for new clients to become comfortable using Wetu. Following this period our support desk remains available to you throughout to field any questions that may arise.
  • How many users can I add on a regular license?
    The Digital Enterprise version allows for up to 5 user licenses. Each consultant requires a license & unfortunately, sharing is prohibited. You may add more users if you wish, however, at an additional charge per user per license.
  • What if some of my Suppliers are not in Wetu?
    In the event that one of your Suppliers is not in Wetu, you would simply need to email us on & provide the property name & website address or location. We should have the property or activity listed within 2 hours of your request.
  • Who manages the Supplier content?
    All Suppliers in Wetu are responsible for managing their own content. We encourage Suppliers to load & manage their latest & greatest content to be made available for distribution to the Trade.
  • What is the billing cycle?
    We bill on the first day of each month, for the month in advance. However, if you would like to be billed quarterly or annually, we can accommodate your preference.

Start your free trial today

Enjoy 14 days of free unlimited access to Wetu to find the best plan for you & start changing the way you sell.