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  • Why am I listed in Wetu?
    You’ve been added to Wetu as a Free Listing because an Operator that uses your product has requested that we do so. They want to include it their itineraries, thereby marketing & selling your product.
  • What is a Free Listing?
    It lists your product(s) in Wetu, making you visible to the trade, enabling the trade to include your products in their Wetu itineraries. It includes a description of your product, 6 high resolution images & contact details.
  • How long is the contract period for Enhanced Listings?
    Simply provide us with a month's notice & you'll be released from your contract.
  • How & where is my content distributed?
    Wetu has specific digital sales tools that facilitate content distribution for Enhanced Listings, namely the API, content widgets & the content portal. Anyone operating within the system can access your content & distribute it anywhere, by simply sending hyperlinks or embedding code.
  • Why is it important for me to maintain my listing on Wetu?
    You want the best return on the investment you've made in your content, so it makes good business sense to ensure that your latest & best content is distributed to the trade. You can accomplish this effectively & efficiently with the exposure you get in Wetu.
  • What is the billing cycle?
    We bill on the first day of each month, for the month in advance. However, if you would like to be billed quarterly or annually, we can accommodate your preference.

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Enjoy unlimited global exposure to the trade & start changing the way you sell.